Customize your live chat widget — Dashly

Use a convenient live chat to communicate with your customers in real time
Customize live chat widget and the chat window
— set the theme, colors and position of the chat widget in accordance with your website design and app

— сhoose the chat icon style and adjust its position on the website

Make your live chat widget more attractive
— configure a default name which will be shown in the chat header until a chat is assigned to your team member

— set avatars and names for agants to make communication more personal

Set working hours and default replies
— let customers know when your operators are offline and when they will reply to the questions. The customers will see online/offline status and the approximate response time
— create an after- hours auto-reply
— start collecting the contact info if it is difficult to reply to a user in a flash
Proactive live chat messaging
— don't wait till a user initiates the chat. Be the first!
— сreate proactive messages and greetings. They will be sent automatically
— se your fantasy. Each page may have its own proactive message
Customize live chat widget for your mobile app
— let the app users ask questions in real time
— make the widget device adaptive to better fit the user's device
Unlimited number of seats for everyone in your team to get on board of customer communications
More features in the Dashly live chat widget
> 30 integrations
Automatically transfer data from Dashly to your CRM and integrate with analytics systems
API Dashly
Create your own unique integrations
Data security
We will make sure that your data is safe
Opportunities for managers
Team Performance Analytics
Track the workload of your team, identify peak productivity hours, and schedule employees accordingly

Team member settings
Configure the profiles of your team members and grant access types so that they don't get distracted
Other features
Unlimited number of seats for everyone in your team to get on board of customer communications
Articles about live chat