How to Create an Automated Sales Funnel: examples & tools

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This year I got a sweet 30% jump, thanks to sales enablement and funnel automation. Envision the scenario: your favorite brew in hand, and behind the scenes, an automated sales funnel tirelessly works to expand your customer base. It’s the automated dream Dashly team lives, bolstering sales without missing a beat.

Exactly this experience we’re unveiling in a meticulously crafted 7-step guide that delves into the best sales funnels practices, equipped with savvy funnel builders. Embark on this journey to thoroughly explore process intricacies, paramount tools, and tangible examples of funnel mastery.

What is an Automated Sales Funnel?

An automated sales funnel is your silent, digital salesperson — slick, tirelessly working 24/7 to nudge potential customers closer to a “yes.” At its core, it’s a systematic, technology-driven process that replicates the best sales strategies on autopilot. From the ‘hello’ to the ‘thank you for your purchase,’ it maps out a customer’s journey, typically spreading its magic touch through emails, social media prompts, and targeted content.

Automated sales funnel example:

At Dashly, our automated sales funnel fueled by organic blog content is a lean, mean, lead-conversion machine. Each article on our blog is a pathway cleverly dotted with CTA banners coaxing readers to click and explore more. Once they take the bait, a tailored landing page awaits, where a quick, no-fuss registration nets us quality leads — just a few fields to fill, and they’re in.

sales funnel automation
Example of lead qualification during registration with Dashly chatbot. Sign up to test it on your website for free.

After this, the magic happens. We’ve got a scoring system that sifts through the data like a prospector pans for gold. It spots potential high-flyers and warms up the rest with a drip-feed of nurturing goodness.

The hottest leads?

They get an invitation to a swift call from our team, while the promising maybes are warmed up with tempting content until they’re ripe for a sales chat.

Think of it as setting a trail of digital breadcrumbs, each morsel laced with tailored messaging that resonates with latent desires. In this SaaS scenario, the funneltransformed casual browsers into registered users. It tapped into analytics, learned from user behavior, and refined its approach without so much as a coffee break.

In sum, an automated sales funnel is your nonstop engine for growth. Easy on resources and big on outcomes, it’s how modern sales are won. It’s not just about selling smarter — it’s about selling without blinking. That’s the power of a seamless sales funnel automation.

Why Create Automated Sales Funnels?

Creating automated sales funnels isn’t just a luxury; it’s a strategic move with measurable benefits that often lead to substantial growth and efficiency. Let’s break it down 👇

Benefits of an automated sales funnel:

  1. Increased Conversion Rates: By nature, sales funnel automation ensures that no lead falls through the cracks. A good automated sales funnel nurtures each prospect based on behavior and engagement. Statistically speaking, businesses using automation have seen up to a 77% increase in conversions, according to a 2020 Invesp report.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency: One of the blessings of automation is the time it saves. Funnel automation can take over repetitive tasks, so your sales team doesn’t have to. In fact, Nucleus Research indicates that automation drives a 14.5% increase in sales productivity.
  3. Higher Engagement: A personalized automated sales funnel speaks to individuals, not crowds. It uses data to tailor messages, which can amp up engagement rates by leaps and bounds. Personalized emails, which are a cornerstone of funnel automation, improve click-through rates by an average of 14% and conversions by 10%, according to the Aberdeen Group’s research.
  4. Scalability: Scaling your business becomes a smoother operation with sales funnel automation. As your audience grows, the funnel can handle the increase in volume without a need for proportional growth in your sales team size. HubSpot shows that automation can lead to three times more leads passed to sales teams, without extra marketing costs.
  5. Data-Driven Insights: An automated sales funnel collects data at every interaction point. This wealth of information leads to better decisions and strategies. It’s reported by Salesforce that businesses using automation have a 53% higher conversion rate and a 3.1% higher annual revenue growth rate.
  6. Improved Customer Retention: Lastly, funnel automation isn’t just about acquiring customers but keeping them too. Automated retention campaigns keep your brand on the radar and are shown to increase customer lifetime value by 30% as reported by Bain & Company.

In a nutshell, automating your sales funnel is like putting your revenue generation on a consistent, data-driven, and customer-focused workout plan, resulting in better health for your bottom line.

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5 stages of the automated sales funnel

Here is how the classic sales funnel looks like:

automated sales funnel


At Dashly, everything starts with casting a wide net. It’s about getting our brand and our message out there. We leverage organic content — blog posts solving real user pain points — and distribute through social media groups where our target users hang out. The aim is to create a buzz, drive traffic, and introduce our SaaS product’s capabilities. By answering questions and sharing insights, we position ourselves as problem-solvers right from the get-go.

Interest Familiarity

Now that we’ve piqued their interest, we want to build on that. Curious prospects find calls-to-action tailored to their reading interests within the blog content. These CTAs lead to more detailed content or free tools that require a registration. The registration isn’t just a formality — it’s an exchange of values. Visitors provide valuable info through qualification questions that also ensure they’re a good fit for our product.

Desire Consideration

With registration complete, newcomers get a peek behind the curtain in the admin panel. Their interactions are all part of the gig; data is quietly collected as they engage with features. Plus, through automated lead scoring, we know who’s warming up to us and considering our solution as their go-to tool.

Action Purchase

Here’s where those scores kick into overdrive. Highly-scored leads get a personal invite for a sales call to discuss potential partnerships and delve deeper into how our product can specifically meet their needs. Others, who may need more time, start receiving our automated email nurturing campaign, peppered with use cases, testimonials, and product benefits that edge them closer to the ‘buy’ button.

Loyalty Retention

But the end of the funnel isn’t really the end. It loops right back. Continued engagement through product updates, helpful content, and check-ins reinforces the value we provide. It’s about making them feel heard and supported so that staying with us becomes the obvious choice. By keeping the conversation going, we ensure our users stick around and become not just customers, but advocates for our brand.

Our automated sales funnel isn’t just a conveyor belt of leads; it’s an ecosystem that nurtures connections at each turn, evaluating, engaging, and eliciting just the right actions to keep our community growing and our registrations rising.

How Does an Automated Sales Funnel Work? 

Imagine funneling your morning coffee to your mouth, no spills — just pure enjoyment. That’s what automating your sales funnel feels like.

We create rich organic content and engage with niche social media groups, drawing in a crowd and then gently guiding them through a journey tailored just for them.

Once we catch someone’s eye, we use funnel automation to deliver a seamless transition from curiosity to consideration. A well-placed CTA on the blog does the trick, leading them to the promised land — a registration page. Here, they engage — answering questions that allow us to understand their needs while they slip onto our platform.

Now, automating the process, we automate sales funnel steps so that the registered users are automatically segmented. Their behavior, the way they interact with features, the depth of their activity — all of it is scored.

The beauty of sales funnel automation? Based on their score, some are immediately flagged for a friendly sales call to discuss possibilities. Others who might need more coaxing receive personalized emails, each one nudging them a step closer to a sale.

Our automated sales funnel does the heavy lifting. It sorts, it scores, it segments. And it’s tireless, evolving with every interaction to ensure that each prospect is on their ideal path to becoming not just a user, but a “where-have-you-been-all-my-life” advocate of our product. This isn’t about bombarding leads; it’s a carefully choreographed dance, one where every step is planned, every twirl anticipated, leading to an increase in registrations and a community buzzing about our brand.

3 sales funnel examples that inspire Dashly team

Basecamp: Seamless Entry for Project Management Success

sales funnel automation example

Right out of the gate, Basecamp charms users with something we at Dashly truly admire — a 30-day taste of project management bliss, no strings attached. They’ve mastered the art of automated sales funnel entry points with this free trial. By allowing prospects to immerse themselves in the software, they convert more onlookers to believers.

What grabs our attention? Their automated sales magic comes from the bold social proof showcased upfront: almost three thousand sign-ups in a week. Now, that’s proof of traction, and nothing speaks louder than numbers. The credit card-free trial whispers ‘trust,’ opening the doors wide to their automation-smooth journey.

LawRank: Tailored Expertise for Legal Eagles

LawRank flies high by laser-focusing on law firms — a move that resonates with our understanding of brand specialization. There’s a power in positioning as the bespoke tailor in a world of off-the-rack solutions. Law firms on the hunt for SEO help, won’t glance twice at the cookie-cutter crew when a custom stitch awaits.

Automating their pitch with testimonials and sparkling accolades, they kindle trust at first glance. Agency-specific issues? They’ve got bespoke fixes. Their automated approach to consultation calls is an old-school twist to automation, and we’re all for it — sometimes, a personal touch is exactly what you need to seal the deal on premium services.

Grow your sales conversion into a deal up to 2,5x with Dashly AI for sales: lead qualification, scoring, and nurturing on autopilot

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OptinMonster: Master Converters with an Edge

OptinMonster — a toolkit wizard that makes converting traffic look like child’s play. Automating user engagement with crafty strategies like timed pop-ups and assorted lead magnets, they capture attention swiftly.

A dash of ingenuity comes from their pricing and value-packed bonuses. Accessible subscription tiers fast-track cold traffic to customers. And let’s talk perks — from OptinMonster University to campaign setups, they sprinkle in bonus value ahead of the game. It’s no wonder their automated sales funnel is a model of sales funnel automation excellence with their risk-reversal masterstroke, the 14-day money-back promise.

sales funnel

Drawing inspiration from these titans, I respect the mastery of automating each sales funnel stage right through to the ‘aha! ’ moment. To fellow growth enthusiasts: dissect these funnels, join their lists, scrutinize their emails. It’s a treasure map to automateyour way to similar successes.

7 steps guide to building an automated sales funnel 

1. Conduct Market Research

All aboard the market research express! The first carriage on our seven-stop journey to building a slick automated sales funnel is all about digging deep into your audience’s psyche.

Market research can help you learn about:

  • Customer Pain Points: Get up close and personal with the challenges your customers face — understanding their struggles is key to providing spot-on solutions.
  • Buying Behavior: Track when and how customers make purchases to tailor your funnel automation accordingly, ensuring you pop up at just the right moments.
  • Preferred Communication Channels: Are your customers email aficionados or social media mavens? Find out where they like to hang and set up camp.
  • Market Trends: Stay savvy to industry shifts that could open up new opportunities or change the game for your automated sales funnel.
  • Competitive Landscape: Learn from your peers and competitors — what’s working for them could inspire tweaks to your strategy.
  • Price Sensitivity: Pin down how much your customers are willing to pay; it’s crucial ammo for your pricing strategy.

Now, how do you go about snagging all these insights? Here’s a compact guide to kickstart your market research for sales funnel automation:

  • Customer Surveys: Whip up a survey that asks the right questions. Send it out to your existing customer base and rake in the gold.
  • Industry Reports: Get hold of the latest industry reports. They’re often brimming with insights about larger market trends and consumer behaviors.
  • Social Media Sleuthing: Dive into social platforms. Join groups, read comments, and engage — it’s a casual way to gather unfiltered feedback.
  • SEO and Keyword Research: Pinpoint what your customers are searching for online. This not only boosts your content strategy but also shines a light on their needs.
  • Competitor Analysis: Snoop around. See how your direct competitors position themselves and what seems to resonate with their audience.
  • Interviews and Focus Groups: Sometimes, a more personal touch is required. Chat with customers or leads directly, or hold a focus group for deeper insights.
how to build a sales funnel

Diving into these steps is like assembling your own version of the marketing infinity gauntlet — once you’re armed with that knowledge, you’re ready to automate and dominate the automated sales funnel game.

2. Create a unique offer  

Crafting that unique offer is like finding the secret spice blend that makes your dish unforgettable. This vital step in our guide to building an automated sales funnel is where you define what sets your product apart in the bazaar of choices out there.

When creating a unique value proposition for sales funnel automation, dial in by asking yourself:

  • What makes our product unique? Focus on features or experiences only you can offer.
  • Why should someone choose us over the competition? Is it customer service, additional features, or maybe your brand story?
  • What problems are we solving, and how are we solving them better or differently? Your solutions should be customer-focused and impactful.
  • What are our customers’ goals, and how does our product help achieve them?Connect your solution directly to their aspirational visions.
  • How can we prove our value? Think testimonials, case studies, and data that lend credibility to your claims.
  • Are we communicating our benefits clearly and succinctly? Your message should be easily digested and understood at a glance.
  • Have we made it as easy as possible for customers to say yes? Reduce friction anywhere in your automated sales funnel.

At Dashly, we explore and reflect deeply on these questions because they form the bedrock of our unique offer. Our product doesn’t just boast sleek automation — we ensure every touchpoint adds value to our users. It’s our commitment to being indispensable partners in their growth, marked by a deep understanding of their journey and a sincere investment in their outcomes.

In essence, your unique offer isn’t merely a feature list; it’s a promise, an oath taken to ensure customer success as much as your own. And this is the pulse that beats at the heart of our sales funnel automation.

Save your SDR time with Dashly AI: Qualify and score leads on autopilot to contact the most perspective ones

Check how it works 👇

3. Create content that addresses the pain points of your target customers 

Creating content that zeroes in on those pressure points customers feel each day is like crafting a master key — it opens doors and builds trust. It’s a pivotal step we’ve refined in constructing our automated sales funnel here at Dashly.

Firstly, understand the clients. We’re talking about jumping into their shoes, feeling every pinch, celebrating every win. By profiling our ideal CMO customers, we get a glimpse of their world — challenges with crafting strategies, finding the right tools, and applying tactics.

Tackling those pain points means we’re not guessing; we’re answering. Content like blog posts becomes targeted missives, discussing relevant issues like the pros and pitfalls of certain growth marketing strategies, or comparing tools to streamline their workflow.

Then, the customer journey. It’s mapped out in stages, and at each stage, our content is like a guidebook tailored for that exact position in the trail. We ponder, “What knowledge is the CMO seeking here? What obstacle might they face next?”

Selecting CTAs for banners isn’t about casting wide. It’s about relevance. If an article’s discussing the intricacies of content marketing, the CTA might promise a comprehensive guide or a toolkit that simplifies the complexity. Something that says, “Solve this now.”

As for our overall content strategy, it adopts a sniper’s philosophy: pinpoint accuracy. We gather intel — keyword searches, forum discussions, customer service queries — and mold our content to answer those calls. We’re not just creating; we’re responding, serving up the insights and tools our target CMOs are actively seeking.

Topics? They range from deep dives into strategic planning to insider tips on leveraging new marketing channels. And our lead magnets follow suit. You might download a growth marketing strategy template after a hearty read or sign up for a free consultation to dig even deeper.

In the end, every content piece is a thread in a larger tapestry — each with its own function, yet part of a whole, guiding CMOs through their journey and funneling them towards a solution that feels tailor-made. Because, at Dashly, it is.

4. Make a Tempting Lead Generation Magnet 

The lead magnet is the gleaming hook of your automated sales funnel — it’s got to be irresistible, tailored to your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), and positioned just so. At Dashly, we believe in equipping prospects with value that’s too good to ignore: free templates, downloadable guides, and the golden ticket — an audience with our experts through free consultations.

But let’s not stop there. Each stage of the funnel has its own flavor, and the lead magnets should match:


  • Share infographics on Instagram, LinkedIn.
  • Distribute podcasts via iTunes, Spotify, and on your website.
  • Embed quizzes on your website and share on social media.


  • Offer checklists at the end of related blog posts.
  • Advertise mini-courses on social media and within blog content.
  • Gate trend reports behind sign-up forms on your website.


  • Give sample chapters to subscribers via email.
  • Link to comparison sheets during sales calls or in targeted ads.
  • Offer templates via LinkedIn articles or industry forums.


  • Promote webinars on your website and via email campaigns.
  • Use exit-intent popups on-site for free trials.
  • Offer consultation calls through targeted email sequences.


  • Feature testimonials prominently on your site and in case study ebooks.
  • Deliver product sheets during sales communications or via follow-up emails.
  • Schedule live demos after high engagement such as post-webinar.


  • Present exclusive discounts on the checkout page or in cart abandonment emails.
  • Offer upsell bundles via in-app notifications or after the initial purchase.
  • Advertise money-back guarantees on the pricing page and during the sales call.

By placing each of these magnets in strategic spots, we effectively guide the customer down the funnel, keeping engagement high and transitions smooth, all the way to conversion.

5. Decide how to acquire traffic: marketing channels

In the grand strategy of our automated sales funnel, deciding on traffic acquisition is akin to choosing the right vessels to carry our precious cargo — potential customers — to their destination. 

Here, it’s a matter of picking the perfect mix of channels to suit our objectives and audience at Dashly.

  • Organic Traffic: Our blog is the beacon of our organic efforts. By honing in on SEO and producing content that addresses real customer pain points, we pull in those seeking solutions. Organic, for us, is a long-term play that pays dividends in authority and trust.
  • Paid Traffic: We’ve got skin in the game with paid search ads and social media campaigns. These allow us to target specific segments with precision — like laser beams guiding spaceships through asteroid fields. This is where we can quickly test and iterate our propositions.
  • Social Media Distribution: Whether it’s sharing top-notch content or engaging in solutions-oriented conversations, platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn are crucial. We’re not just broadcasting on socials; we’re there to talk, listen, and connect.
  • Partner Channels: We align with businesses with complementary audiences — think of them as allies in different corners of the galaxy. Through webinars, co-created content, or mutual referrals, we expand our reach exponentially.
  • Link Building: This is the web that interconnects our universe. Quality content partnered with robust outreach forms our strategy, netting backlinks that bolster our SEO and drive qualified, exploratory traffic.

In each channel, our language and tactics may modulate, but every time, it’s a multi-threaded attack, designed to reach out across the digital cosmos and bring back those who resonate with our message. This eclectic approach ensures we cover all bases, ensuring a steady flow through our automated sales funnel.

6. Automate lead capture, scoring, and nurturing

Automating the trifecta of lead capture, scoring, and nurturing is pretty much hitting the jackpot in sales funnel efficiency. It’s how you make sure nobody just walks past your digital storefront without a warm greeting and a personal touch.

  • Our first move was automating lead capture. We employ chatbots, popups, and website forms to get in step with visitors straightaway. Our Dashly chatbot is like a friendly shop keeper, striking up a convo, gauging interests with a few quick questions on their needs, and getting the all-important contact details, priming them for the next stage.
  • Step two is where the tech magic really shines — automated lead scoring. Picture this: Dashly AI acts like a seasoned detective, taking all those juicy tidbits from the lead capture phase and pairing them with how the prospects behave on our site. It then sorts the hot leads from the lukewarm ones, sending the former straight to our ace sales team inbox and queuing up the others for a series of tailored email campaigns.
  • And now for the nurturing — it’s a fine art, really. Picture a cozy welcome by email. Within a minute post-registration, we’re saying “Hi, we’re stoked you’re here!” via their inbox. Then, like the beat of a well-timed drum, we send a series of onboarding emails, one day at a time, guiding them gently from “Thanks for joining us!” to “Here’s how you make that first triumphant purchase.”
    In addition, in the admin panel, we at Dashly send our free trial users such a chatbot engaging them to a purchase:
sales funnel automation example
In app lead nurturing chatbot from Dashly.

It’s a smooth, almost lyrical process. You capture, you score, you nurture — all on autopilot, thanks to a harmony of automated tech. And just like that, you’ve got a customer ready and eager to make their mark.

Here is a few ideas on how to create your first email nurturing sequence. Let’s say you offer B2B sales training. 

  • Email 1: Lead magnet and confirm subscription email — Call Call Script ebook lead magnet
  • Email 2: Value email: “5 cold call tips for engaging your dream clients” 
  • Email 3: Value email: “how to overcome objections.” 
  • Email 4:  Value email: “how to double your sales this month.” 
  • Email 5: Product-focused — “the only sales training you need.” 
  • Email 6: Case-study — “how Company A increased sales by 391% in 31 days.” 
  • Email 7: Re-engagement — “doors closing — last chance to claim our sales training.”

2x your sales by contacting the most promising leads first with Dashly AI chatbot

7. Monitor and improve your sales funnel

Like a seasoned captain attentively guiding a ship through uncharted waters, monitoring and improving our automated sales funnel is an ongoing effort that keeps us on course toward successful conversions and customer satisfaction.

Key Metrics:

  • Leads: The lifeblood of our funnel. We’re always tuned into the number of new leads entering the funnel.
  • Conversion Rate: It’s all about effectiveness — how well are we turning browsers into buyers.
  • Acquisition Costs: Keeping an eye on the price tag of each new client helps us gauge and adjust our marketing spend.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): We’re playing the long game, looking at how much revenue we can expect from a customer over their tenure with us.
  • Total Sales: The ultimate scorecard of our efforts. It must always go up.
  • Cycle Time: Efficiency is key; we track the time it takes for a lead to become a sale.
  • Average Deal Size: We’re keen on knowing the typical revenue each deal brings.

Evaluating Funnel Performance:

  • Heat Maps: By using tools like Crazy Egg, we visualize where users click and how they scroll, indicating potential friction points.
  • A/B Testing: Nothing beats empirical evidence. Hypotheses about landing pages, headlines, CTAs are put to the test with tools like Optimizely.
  • Google Analytics: The God’s eye view of our funnel, tracking everything from user behavior to traffic sources.
  • Email Metrics: Constantly tweaking our email campaigns based on open and click-through rates ensures we communicate effectively.

Through a combination of state-of-the-art tools, we scrutinize our funnel down to the microscopic details. Continuous improvement is part of our mantra at Dashly; it’s this iterative, data-driven approach that ensures our funnel remains a well-oiled machine, always primed to convert and satisfy our customer base.

Choosing the Right Sales Funnel Automation Software

Selecting the right sales funnel automation software isn’t just about keeping up with the trends — it’s about finding a suite of tools that works as a cohesive unit to capture, nurture, and close your leads. As the CSO at Dashly, I can vouch for the critical role that finely tuned automation plays in our success.

Here’s the lowdown: We rely on our own Dashly platform for robust lead capturing capabilities. From the moment a visitor lands on our site, we’re engaging with them — capturing data that will help us personalize their journey.

Our AI chatbot steps in for qualification and scoring. It’s a smooth talker that filters through the noise to find those high-intent leads, all with the finesse of a human conversationalist. This AI-driven process helps prioritize leads that are ready for a more personal touch.

Try Dashly AI to qualify leads and define which of them is more likely to purchase with a larger check

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Now, nurturing these potential clients to the point of sale? Email is our workhorse here. With carefully crafted messages delivered at just the right intervals, we keep our leads warm and informed.

We also use:

  • for a back-stage pass to our lead metrics — it tracks, analyzes, and offers actionable insights with precision, ensuring we’re always a step ahead.
  • And when it’s go-time for deal management, Pipedrive is our strategist. This tool gives us the tactical edge, making sure every potential sale is tracked and nurtured to closure.

In our arsenal, each tool has a purpose, and together, they form an unbreakable chain that carries our prospects from first click to final handshake. It’s a setup that’s both bulletproof and elegant, ensuring we’re not just grinding gears but also delivering a seamless experience to every stakeholder involved.

Final word

Crafting an automated sales funnel at Dashly has been a strategic odyssey — meticulously mapping market research, finessing unique offers, and churning out crave-worthy content. We’ve dangled alluring lead magnets, cherry-picked marketing channels for traffic, and honed the precision of monitoring with our data-driven savoir-faire. Selecting the crème de la crème of automation tools — Dashly for capturing leads, an AI bot for qualification and scoring, email for nurturing, Rick AI for metrics, and Pipedrive for deal management — forms the backbone of our conversion crusade, seamlessly guiding prospects from curious clickers to loyal customers.

Automated sales funnel FAQ

What is an automated sales funnel? 

An automated sales funnel is like a virtual conveyor belt for your customer’s journey. It’s all about funnel automation — crafting a pathway that takes potential buyers from ‘just browsing’ to ‘shut up and take my money’ with as little manual effort as possible. From capturing leads to clinching the sale, it’s a beautifully orchestrated series of automated interactions that nurture those potential customers 24/7.

How do you set up automated sales? 

To set up automated sales, it’s vital to first understand the audience and create a strategy that aligns with their buying journey. Automating sales means using tools to capture leads, score their readiness, and deliver personalized content that moves them down the funnel. We automate follow-ups, responses, and even outreach with technology that ensures no lead is left behind because, well, time is money.

What are the 5 stages of sales funnels? 

The five stages of a sales funnel could be summed up as the lifecycle of a blooming relationship:
Awareness: They’ve noticed you.
Interest: Now they’re intrigued.
Consideration: They’re thinking you could be ‘the one.’
Intent: They’ve got that wallet out.
Purchase: Congratulations, it’s a match!

What is an AI powered funnel? 

An AI-powered funnel takes sales funnel automation to the next level. It uses artificial intelligence to analyze data, predict behaviors, and make real-time decisions to optimize the sales process. Imagine having a Sherlock Holmes of sales — that’s what an AI powered funnel brings to the table, offering a hyper-personalized and efficient path to sale for each lead.

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